2023 | Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt Surgery in Brunei Darussalam: A Population-Based Perspective | Merlin Boban, John Mathew, Ady Thien | Neurosurgery | Original Research Paper |
2023 | Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on patients with paediatric cancer in low-income, middle-income and high-income countries: a multicentre, international, observational cohort study | John Mathew (collaborator: Global Health Research Group on Children’s Non-Communicable Diseases Collaborative) R M Jeffri Ismail (collaborator: Global Health Research Group on Children’s Non-Communicable Diseases Collaborative) | Neurosurgery
Oncology | Original Research Paper |
2023 | Twelve-month observational study of children with cancer in 41 countries during the COVID-19 pandemic | John Mathew (collaborator: Global Health Research Group on Children’s Non-Communicable Diseases Collaborative) R M Jeffri Ismail (collaborator: Global Health Research Group on Children’s Non-Communicable Diseases Collaborative) | Neurosurgery
Oncology | Original Research Paper |
2022 | The burden and risks factors for intracerebral hemorrhage in a Southeast Asian population | Sophia On, Roland Poh, Rieo S Salor , Rosan G Philip, Roshith H Chekkattu, Mei Ann Lim, Ady Thien | Neurosurgery | Original Research Paper |
2022 | Outcomes and Associated Complications of Cranioplasty following Craniectomy in Brunei Darussalam
| Caroline S M Shie , Dawn Antony , Ady Thien | Neurosurgery | Original Research Paper |
2022 | 30-day sepsis risk after laminectomy for resection of intradural extramedullary (IDEM) tumors based on NSQIP database: a critical appraisal | Vineesh K Varghese , Shankar A Kutty, Sunil Manjila | Neurosurgery | Editorial |
2022 | Usefulness of an Integrated Hybrid Suite in Cranial Neurosurgery | Arif Raza, Dawn Anthony, Ady Thien | Neurosurgery | Special Report |
2022 | Automated Cobb Angle Measurement for Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Using Convolutional Neural Network | Wahyu Caesarendra, Wahyu Rahmaniar, John Mathew, Ady Thien | Neurosurgery | Original Research Paper |
2022 | AutoSpine-Net: Spine Detection Using Convolutional Neural Networks for Cobb Angle Classification in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis | Wahyu Caesarendra, Wahyu Rahmaniar, John Mathew, Ady Thien | Neurosurgery | Original Research Paper |
2020 | Surgery for Spontaneous Intracerebral Haemorrhage In Brunei Darussalam: Survival And Long-Term Functional Outcomes | Albert Tiong Jeng Lim, Roland Shen Hau Poh, John Mathew, Ady Thien | Neurosurgery | Original Research Paper |
2020 | Trajectory log file sensitivity: A critical analysis using DVH and EPID | Wui Ann Woon, Paul B Ravindran , Piyasiri Ekayanake, Subramani Vikraman, Siti Amirah, Yivonne Y F Lim, Christopher H S Vun, Jamsari Khalid | Radiation Oncology Department | Original Reserach Paper |
2018 | Validation of Delivery Consistency for Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy and Volumetric-Modulated Arc Therapy Plans | Wui Ann Woon, Paul B Ravindran, Piyasiri Ekayanake, Yivonne Yih Fang Lim | Radiation Oncology Department | Technical Note |
2018 | Effect of dry needling on cubital tunnel syndrome: Three case reports | Sudarshan Anandkumar, Murugavel Manivasagam | Rehabilitation | Original Research Paper |
2018 | A study on the effect of detector resolution on gamma index passing rate for VMAT and IMRT QA | Wui Ann Woon, Paul B Ravindran, Piyasiri Ekayanake, Vikraman S, Yivonne Yf Lim, Jamsari Khalid | Radiation Oncology Department | Original Research Paper |
2017 | Effect of physical therapy management of nonspecific low back pain with exercise addiction behaviors: A case series | Sudarshan Anandkumar, Murugavel Manivasagam, Vivian Tie Suk Kee, Uta Meyding-Lamade | Rehabilitation | Original Research Paper |
2017 | Effect of fascia dry needling on non-specific thoracic pain – A proposed dry needling grading system | Sudarshan Anandkumar, Murugavel Manivasagam | Rehabilitation | Original Research Paper |
| Low Level Division of the Sciatic Nerve and Its Clinical Significance | Rajakumari Rajendiran, Murulgavel Manivasagam
| Rehabilitation | Original Research Paper |
2016 | Integrated Physical Therapy Management In Neuralgic Shoulder Amyotrophy | Murugavel Manivasagam, Vivian Tie | Rehabilitation | Original Research Paper |
2016 | Unilateral Tensor Fascia Suralis | Rajakumari Rajendiran and Anuradha Murugesan | Rehabilitation | Original Research Paper |
2015 | Anomalous Common Peroneal Nerve Supplying The Gluteus Maximus Muscle With High Division Of Sciatic Nerve | Rajakumari Rajendiran, Murugavel Manivasagam, Sudarshan Anandkumar | Rehabilitation | Original Research Paper |
2014 | Multimodal physical therapy management of a 48-year-old female with post-stroke complex regional pain syndrome | Sudarshan Anandkumar, Murugavel Manivasagam | Rehabilitation | Original Research Paper |
2013 | An Unusual Case Report On Physical Rehabilitation Of A Patient With Thalamic Ataxia | Murugavel Manivasagam, Uta Meyding Lamade, Vivian Suk Kee Tie | Rehabilitation | Original Research Paper |