15th May 2023 – International Nurses and Midwives Day (INMD) is an important occasion that recognizes the valuable contributions of nurses and midwives to healthcare systems around the world with the theme “Our Nurses. Our Future’. It is celebrated on May 12th each year, and Jerudong Park Medical Centre (JPMC) marked the occasion with joy, appreciation, and charity throughout the month of May.
Friday, 12th May 2023 celebration began with breakfast and cake cutting held at JPMC with the presence of the Minister of Health, Yang Berhormat Dato Seri Setia Dr. Hj Mohd Isham Bin Hj Jaafar in the capacity as JPMC Executive Director, who praise the nurses and midwives for their invaluable contributions towards achieving the healthcare goals. Continuing the morning with distribution of special cakes to all clinical units for nurses, midwives and staff under Nursing Department to express our appreciation.

In addition of appreciation towards our nurses and midwives, Nursing Department of JPMC has organized multiple sessions of Spinning and Zumba classes with the goal of raising funds for Learning Ladders Society (LLS) through the sales of Spinning and Zumba kit in the theme of INMD 2023. This charity focuses on supporting children with neurodevelopmental disabilities, offering them essential resources and assistance to thrive and achieve their full potential. First session on Friday, 12th May 2023 was held at Aerobic Hall JPMC, supported by Fitness Centre by JPMC facilities and instructor including invited instructors. The energy was elevated with the participation of Yang Berhormat Dato Seri Setia Dr. Hj Mohd Isham bin Hj Jaafar during these activities, along with senior management, head of departments, staffs of JPMC, PJSC and Learning Ladders Society (LLS) representatives.

Spinning sessions on Sunday, 14th May 2023 was made possible with the generous support of both JHK Studio and REVO Studio by providing both facilities and instructors with the goal of assisting JPMC to collect donation funds through the sales of the kits. Yang Berhormat Dato Seri Setia Dr Hj Mohd Isham bin Hj Jaafar joined the morning session to deliver a heartfelt speech expressing his gratitude to every single participants and sponsors in making the events a success and their kind contributions to Learning Ladders Society. Yang Berhormat Dato also extends his gratitude to Learning Ladders highlighting their vital role in the society and hope with the donations collected can further ease their support for those in needs.

The final session of spinning and zumba will once again be held at Aerobic Hall JPMC on Friday, 19th May 2023, mainly joined by Pantai Jerudong Specialist Centre (PJSC) management and staffs, adding further to the funds collected. JPMC hope these activities will encourage everyone to continue a healthy lifestyle through physical activities.