In the spirit of International Nurses’ and Midwives’ Week and the Holy Month of Ramadan; The Jerudong Park Medical Centre (JPMC) and Pantai Jerudong Specialist Centre (PJSC) in collaboration with Youth Centre, Department of Youth and Sports and Kelab Komuniti Belia Transformasi (KKBT) hosted the Recital of the Quran Verse, Tahlil and Iftar to commemorate the International Nurse and Midwifes Week at Youth Centre, Bandar Seri Begawan.
“Nurses: A voice to lead – Health for All” is truly a fitting way to describe nurses. Their compassion and commitment in caring for their patients have contributed towards providing the best Health for All. Nursing and midwifery is an art form and scientific reasoning. The roles they play as advocator, carer and counsellor put nurses and midwives in an ideal position to lead. They are linchpins that move the healthcare system and have contributed a lot for the sake of their patients. Therefore, every 5thof May and 12thof May, International Midwives’ and Nurses’ week is celebrated respectively in recognition of their outstanding efforts for those in these professions.
In conjunction also with the auspicious month of Ramadan and this internationally commemorated event, JPMC and PJSC nursing staff (nurses, midwives, emergency medical technicians and hospital aides) have combined their efforts in organizing this religious and charitable event to usher in the holy month whilst taking an opportunity to give back to the community.
More than BND$4, 000.00 in donations from both clinical and administration departments from both healthcare institutions were received by the organizers and distributed to the BIBD ALAF and orphans in attendance. An assortment of dishes ranging from chendol, nasi kebuli daging to barbequed lamb chops were prepared and served by JPMC’s and PJSC’S own nurses, midwives, emergency medical technicians and hospital aides, assisted by KKBT volunteers, for the attendees. A total of 20 students under BIBD ALAF and 4 orphans of JPMC and PJSC staff were among the 250 guests to share the delightful experience together.
Yang Berhormat Dato Seri Setia Dr Hj Md Isham bin Hj Jaafar, Minister of Health in his capacity as Chairman and Executive Director of JPMC was present as the Guest of Honour. Also in attendance were JPMC and PJSC Board of Directors, Permanent Secretary Ministry of Health, Deputy Permanent Secretary Ministry of Health, Permanent Secretary Ministry of Culture Youth and Sports, Deputy Permanent Secretary Ministry of Culture Youth and Sports, representatives from BIBD and BIBD ALAF, Senior Executive Officials Ministry of Health and Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports and senior officers from JPMC and PJSC.
The recital of Quran Verse was led by Md. Ma’mul Najahi Hj. Abd. Samad and Tahlil were led by Ustaz Haji Ishkandar Haji Buntar to bless the event and their beloved ones. The event then continued with the distribution of donations by Yang Berhormat Dato Seri Setia Dr Hj Md Isham bin Hj Jaafar, Minister of Health, to the students under BIBD ALAF and orphans of JPMC and PJSC staff. The event later carried on with a light Iftar which was shortly followed by a mass Maghrib prayer. The event ended with a buffet style dinner after Maghrib prayers where guests were served by JPMC’s and PJSC’S own nurses, midwives, emergency medical technicians and hospital aides.